The Robinson's

The Robinson's

Thursday, November 21, 2013


What exactly do I have to offer? Do I measure up to others my age?  This is a question I have found myself asking a couple times.  Typically, something like this doesn't get me down however there has a couple times where I really begin to question what I am doing with my life. 

Let me tell you a little about me. Tyler and I were married when I was 17, still in high school; He was and is in the Navy so at age 18 I left all I knew to move to San Diego, CA. to be with him.  I've done some online schooling but because of his frequent deployments and work-ups we decided that I would be a housewife to maximize our time together the short amount of time that he was home.  I know that people questioned our decision and couldn't believe that I didn't have a job or a reason to stay home, like children to care for, but it was what worked for us and looking back now I know that God was teaching me something very important.  If you asked me at age 17 if I would be happy being a housewife I would have said, "NO WAY."  Not that I didn't know how to be domestic but simply because I had plans to get a career of my own because that's what is expected of the modern day woman.  It wasn't like I didn't get good grades or wasn't smart enough.  Now I realize that the devil was the one whispering, "People think you are dumb because you don't have a college degree and a career."  I believe he used other people to make me feel less than.  

Fast forward nearly 6 years and it puts at today.  I am 23 and am still married to the most wonderful husband I could ever ask for.  God has shown me the importance of being a serving wife who takes care of her husband and the household things.  He has given me the ability to make smart financial decisions, which make staying home easy.  I also began volunteering and it has blessed me in more ways than I can count.  There is something about helping others without expecting anything in return, it really teaches you so many things that you can't learn any other way and you become the one who feels blessed.  Over the years of being home I have also honed my skills of being crafty!  I have always loved making things, just ask my mom!  Over the last couple of years I began selling my crafts and now I have my own little business.  It began with hair bows and sewn products such as bags and aprons but now I have moved into machine embroidery as well so I can make almost anything!!! My point being, although I don't have a degree and a career like some of my other friends who took a different path, I know that God has given me SO much to offer; a career outside of our home wouldn't even compare and I wouldn't trade what I have learned for the world. 

Some of my passions and abilities:

Sewing and embroidery (of course)

Cooking and baking

Being the best wife I can be

Volunteering with the Elderly

Budgeting money

Investing my friendships

Cleaning and doing house work


Paper crafting

Here's a side note... don't forget that YOU are God's creation and He does not make things that have nothing to offer.  Check out this video by one of my favorites, Jefferson Bethke. Have a blessed day!
P31 OBS Blog Hop


  1. Wow! What an amazing testimony--thank you for sharing. I LOVE how that God taught you so much in this time and also that He opened up doors for you to volunteer and serve.

    I loved this part: "Not that I didn't know how to be domestic but simply because I had plans to get a career of my own because that's what is expected of the modern day woman"
    Isn't that the truth? I, myself, was an RN in an ER working on her bachelor's degree when God called me home. Yes, I had kids and I homeschool them now, but it also opened up opportunities, just like for you, for me to volunteer--namely here with OBS. Isn't our God so amazing how He provides for us? How even when we go contrary to what the world says, He still 'has our back.' Love this post!

    Jennifer N
    OBS Core/Teaching Team

  2. I absolutely loved reading your entry. It's a message I needed to hear today. Thank you!


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