The Robinson's

The Robinson's

Thursday, October 24, 2013

WHEN-THEN A Confident Heart

Okay let me be honest here... at first I didn't really understand the whole When-Then statement thing.  Then we were asked to write our own and when I wrote it up I realized the power it has to put your doubt where it belongs and replace it with TRUTH from God's word. 

One of my When-Then statements went like this; WHEN I feel like I don't measure up or that I am not enough THEN I remember that I am worth dying for and that God's word says I am worth more than rubies! (Proverbs 31:10)

Something I saw that I would love to share with you ladies is a video about "who you are".  It is one that has gone viral lately and man, is it powerful!  It goes along perfect with this study because if anything it puts doubt to bed and makes you realize who you are to God.. Check it out and let me know what you think!!!  Hope you all have a wonderful week! 
P31 OBS Blog Hop


  1. I love this!!! I'm sharing on my facebook page. Thank you!

  2. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You so much for sharing!

  3. Sweet post (and great video!)
    I am stopping by today from the OBS blog hop. :)

  4. I am an OBS hopper. Wonderful post. Thank you so much for sharing!

  5. Love your when-then statement and it took me a bit to catch on too. Thanks for sharing. That video is viral and so good. Thanks for sharing. Debbie W. (OBS Facebook Group Leader)


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