The Robinson's

The Robinson's

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Glimpses of God

How can your life experiences help provide people with glimpses of God? 

After thinking about this question I feel like I see two different answers.  The first being my initial thought, which is by telling others about our struggles and how God helped us through or how He turned our struggle into something for our good. 

(2 Corinthians 1:4)  He comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction, through the comfort we ourselves received from God.   

Isn't it a blessing to know that all our trials produce experiences in which we gain understanding that we can use to help others? As last week's verse states:  And not only that, but we also rejoice in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance, endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope.  Romans 5:3-4

Affliction produces proven character; character that may be able to help someone else in a similar situation.

My second thought about how our life experiences help provide people with glimpses of God is by "who we are everyday."  Let me explain. We may not be able to give our testimony to everyone we meet.  However, we come in contact with several people on a day-to-day basis that watch us and see who we are.  You may not notice that they are watching but they note that you are different, that you don't cuss or gossip, party or follow the crowd.  By being different you are witnessing.  Your witness says that you are a child of God and His spirit is inside you!  

Sometimes I wonder if I am making a big enough impact for the kingdom of God because I am not knocking on doors or asking each person I meet if they've met Jesus.  I know that witnessing in those ways work but I think the most important way to witness to others is by our actions.  It makes me think of this very popular quote that says, "Spread the gospel at all times, if necessary use words." Isn't that the truth? I know that I find it hard to hear what another person is saying if I don't see them living it out. Have you thought about the possibility that your actions could be the only glimpse of God that someone sees?  If your co-workers or acquaintances see you are going through something difficult but somehow you have a peace that doesn't make sense, they may question what you have that they don't. 

So in order to provide others with glimpses of God simply live out your life in a way that is pleasing to Him and when you have an opportunity to share what He has done for you do it; for you have gone through trials for that very reason! Be a living example of Christ's love! 

P31 OBS Blog Hop


  1. Very encouraging and timely. Thank you so much for sharing how God is working in your life and how there are glimpses of God everywhere, and you are so right - people are watching, they see and know something is different. What God does with that, we may never know, but He knows. God bless you sister!

  2. Love this post. Reminds me of two quotes I've heard, not sure who said either one of them. One is Are you living so that if you were placed on trial for being a Christian you would be found guilty? The other is Live so that if anyone said anything bad about you, no one would believe it.
    thank you for sharing!
    Lauren, P31 OBS Small Group Leader

  3. Thanks so much for the encouragement ladies. I love the quotes Lauren!


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