The Robinson's

The Robinson's

Thursday, September 19, 2013

God IS Moving

Now that our "Say Yes to God" study is over it seems a little weird that my routine that I came to enjoy is on a break until the next study starts in October.  Which by the way, if you would like to join the upcoming Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study click here.    

I thought I might go ahead and let you know how God has been moving my life lately.  Let me begin by saying, it has been a rough year.  It flew by but it's been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride.  We've gone through some things that few people know about, some things no one knows about and through all of it we feel God moving.  

I've felt him leading us to take a look at how we were spending our time (watching TV specifically); through prayer he changed our hearts.  Shows that I used to think I would DIE without I now see are a complete waste of time.  Not only do I feel that it was a waste of time in general but more importantly I know that God expects us to be stewards of ALL that he has given us, even our time. 

After too many minor motorcycle wrecks we felt that God was asking us to sell the bike.  Tyler has rode for a very long time and our motorcycle held a special significance to me because it is one of the first things we bought as a married couple.   However, I asked Tyler to pray about it because he was a little reluctant to give up riding all together.  In the same week we heard of the wreck and death of a Sailor who was on the same ship with a friend of ours.  We took that as a sign and decided that it was best to hang it up for now.  As if that weren't enough, on Labor Day a Marine who lived on our street had his life taken while riding his motorcycle as well.  It hit awfully close to home.  Tyler and I are certain that God has spoken and we will obey. 
A while back I ran across this church in North Carolina called Elevation and since then I have downloaded the app and have been listening to the podcasts all the time! I came across it when I was looking into Lysa Terkeurst's ministry and watched a podcast of her speaking at Elevation.  Then I realized that the pastor, Stephen Furtick, is the author of a book I bought during Tyler's 2010 deployment called "Sun Stand Still."  I just love the messages and have noticed a lot of growth since I began listening.  Not only do I listen to these, I have also had the pleasure of getting Tyler listening and I also shared with my mom who in return shared with my brother!!!! Wow, isn't that huge?! Also, come to find out my mom invited me to that OBS that is lead by a wonderful lady who attends none other than Elevation Church!  (I am not sure what God is trying to tell me but keep posted and I will let you know.  ;-))  If you've never heard of Elevation I encourage you to check it out and download the app for yourself. Click here to go to Elevation's website. 

Another instance where I was blessed to see God working in my life was at a volunteer appreciation dinner that I attended for the Elderly Ministry I volunteer with though our church, The Rock..  While at a table with other volunteers one of the ladies I didn't know said, "You know what?  I think I sat next to you and your husband in church one Sunday.  You told me what you did with this ministry and I went home and told my sister that I wanted to get involved."  Wow... it blew my mind!  I hadn't really even remembered what I said to her that Sunday morning over a year ago but to think that something as small as me sharing with her how I volunteered encouraged her to do something too just blessed my heart!  On some level you might think, well that isn't all that special but on that day I felt as if God were saying, "Jamie you ARE making a difference for Me."    

Through all of this I have learned that if you are focused on God He will reveal himself and the plan He has for you.  We are beyond blessed and know that God's timing is best... for now we focus on following this path he has us set on and learning the lessons that come with being here. 

Have you had a heart that is listening for God?  What has He revealed in your life lately?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Great Life

        I am Yahweh your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt.  Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.  "But My people did not listen to Me; Israel did not obey Me.  So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own plans.  If only My people would listen to Me and Israel would follow My ways, I would quickly subdue their enemies and turn My hand against their foes."  Psalm 81: 10-14
In Psalm 81 God is pleading with Israel to listen and obey him.  In fact, the subtitle to Psalm 81 in my Bible is "A call to obedience."  What a great title to go along with this "Yes to God" study! We've been learning all about listening and obeying. More specifically Psalm 81:10 says, "I am Yahweh your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt.  Open your mouth wide and I will fill it." In this scripture He is reminding them of WHO He is and what great things He had done for them.  Then He goes on to say, "... open your mouth wide and I will fill it." Meaning He would bless them if they would just listen and receive the instruction, unfortunately they did not obey.

If you read on in Psalm 81 you see that God did not force Himself upon them.  He pleaded for them to change their ways but in the end they rejected Him.  Does this scenario sound familiar?  I think of our country as a whole and how far we are getting from God.  People wonder where God is in our schools and in all the tragedy is but let us not forget that He was taken out, told He is unwelcome.  Our country is slowly removing God in every aspect.  God showed us here in this Psalm that He will not force His way and in 81:12 He says, "So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own plans."   

However, it doesn't have to be this way.  God says that if we obey, he will bless us abundantly.  We may not have too much control in our country but God will bless each of us individually for obeying his Word. As Christians it is our job to teach the next generation about God and what having a relationship with Jesus Christ looks like.  Let us not just go through the motions and check the boxes, let us be radically obedient so that He may fill our mouths full! Together we CAN make a difference for Christ.  

P31 OBS Blog Hop

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Glimpses of God

How can your life experiences help provide people with glimpses of God? 

After thinking about this question I feel like I see two different answers.  The first being my initial thought, which is by telling others about our struggles and how God helped us through or how He turned our struggle into something for our good. 

(2 Corinthians 1:4)  He comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction, through the comfort we ourselves received from God.   

Isn't it a blessing to know that all our trials produce experiences in which we gain understanding that we can use to help others? As last week's verse states:  And not only that, but we also rejoice in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance, endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope.  Romans 5:3-4

Affliction produces proven character; character that may be able to help someone else in a similar situation.

My second thought about how our life experiences help provide people with glimpses of God is by "who we are everyday."  Let me explain. We may not be able to give our testimony to everyone we meet.  However, we come in contact with several people on a day-to-day basis that watch us and see who we are.  You may not notice that they are watching but they note that you are different, that you don't cuss or gossip, party or follow the crowd.  By being different you are witnessing.  Your witness says that you are a child of God and His spirit is inside you!  

Sometimes I wonder if I am making a big enough impact for the kingdom of God because I am not knocking on doors or asking each person I meet if they've met Jesus.  I know that witnessing in those ways work but I think the most important way to witness to others is by our actions.  It makes me think of this very popular quote that says, "Spread the gospel at all times, if necessary use words." Isn't that the truth? I know that I find it hard to hear what another person is saying if I don't see them living it out. Have you thought about the possibility that your actions could be the only glimpse of God that someone sees?  If your co-workers or acquaintances see you are going through something difficult but somehow you have a peace that doesn't make sense, they may question what you have that they don't. 

So in order to provide others with glimpses of God simply live out your life in a way that is pleasing to Him and when you have an opportunity to share what He has done for you do it; for you have gone through trials for that very reason! Be a living example of Christ's love! 

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