Tyler and I are always extremely excited for Friday nights at All Married Cafe! Tonight is the night & it is always so much fun! We meet several new couples every week & it is great to get out! So I am already dressed and my hair curled we are ready to go... well I am anyway!
This week I feel accomplished. I got a lot of paperwork done and phone calls made. Now I have time to spend doing what ever I want... Like cleaning, laundry and cooking. :) I really do enjoy being a housewife. I am still hoping though that Tyler will get off work a little early today so that we can hang out before AMC tonight... Also because he has duty on Sunday, blah, but at least they are letting him go to church because Nick V will be there! If you haven't heard of him you should check this out...
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
xoxo, jamie
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
The Robinson's

Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Getting Caught Up
So like promised here are some pictures of the monogram letters Tyler
Now that we are done with that project I have been working on more bows to sell. Still nothing on my fb page but I am actually going to take some to my *NEW* and fabulous hair stylist's salon and sell them there. :) I am pretty stoked about that actually. :)
My to-do list has been slimmed down but I am wondering how in the world everyone has time to deal with paperwork for everything! I feel like a dang secretary by the time Tyler gets home from work. It seems like I am on the phone with at least 5 people a day and sending emails several times a day as well. I guess I do let my OCD get to me though... I have do to everything so organized that it takes a little longer than maybe it should.
Well I have been up since 5. (I get up to make breakfast for Tyler before he goes to work.) I am dressed and ready to tackle the day. I am considering not watching TV while doing everything today to see if it cuts down on my time significantly. I will let you know how that goes... Hope everyone has a good day.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Challege flop
Saturday, February 19, 2011
30 Day Blog Challenge (Day 1)
This was a picture taken before the ship party in 2009.
Today was very uneventful. After a morning of watching tv and making several bows for my new venture we finally got around and went into town. I had to pick up a new curtain from Target and a sheet of scrapbook paper from Micheal's. (Tyler and I are making some monogram letters for some decor in the house... Pictures to come shortly.)
Samantha, a friends daughter, is staying over tonight so after dinner we will be dueling each other on the Wii Fit! It is always fun when kids are around the house, for now we will just borrow a friend's until we decide we want some of our own. :) Well enough about my day I better get to making dinner, did I mention I am making chili to top off this cool weather we have been having? Yum... Well off to the kitchen.
BTW check out my new page on FB, Homemade by Jamie, but excuse the fact that it is still in the works.
Friday, February 18, 2011
In the beginnning...
Hello Friends! I am Jamie Robinson, a young Military Wife, a Christian and on my way to being a blogger. I am a 20 year old stay at home wife who dabbles in selling The Pampered Chef, simply to feed my addiction. Being at home to spend time with my husband has been the top priority for the first couple years of our marriage. Now that life is changing it is time to get my education back on track and begin making my own path. We'll see how that unravels. My husband is in the Navy aboard the USS Peleliu which has us stationed here in San Diego, California. We love it here and have hopes of staying but are waiting to see if life is about to take us somewhere new. Our families are back in Missouri and Arkansas so keeping in touch with them is easy thanks to Skype and Facebook! I love me some time on Skype with my family. Who knows they may even become followers on here. :) Feel free to leave comments on all of my posts, I would love some feedback.
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